Tag Archives: running

Only reason I run sometimes….

Sometimes I just need a break. Most people don’t consider running a break. Running is my alone time. Even after being at the hospital all day, it’s dark, it’s 30 degrees, ice mans snow on the ground. When I lace my shoes up, have my lab doing dances around me because he knows which shoes are my running shoes, and sometimes I don’t even need music. The road, my dog, and outside is all I need. It’s no joke: running and running shoes are cheaper than therapy.


winter not so wonderland

IMG_9966All of this snow and cold weather that Oklahoma and the rest of the nation seem to be getting is a significant amount of snow, sleet, ice, and just freezing cold temperatures. Is it really that different than any other winter. Last year Oklahoma had a warmer than usual winter, but then the summer was a bit milder than normal also. We have not had a significantly cold winter in quite a few years. This has caused so many schools to be closed, businesses to be closed, and things to be rescheduled. I do not remember ever getting out of school for snow, rain, or cold temperatures. Am I just imagining this?

IMG_9939Even with all this complaining that I am doing I still like winter. It gives me a reason to wear warm cozy clothing. It has made me second guess training for a spring marathon. Oh runners problems.  Hopefully this moisture will stop by this afternoon because running seven miles on a treadmill does not sound to exciting to me. I can put on all my winter running gear and hit the trail. That is one thing that is definitely a priority here in Tulsa. The trails are always cleared. As I was pulling into my neighborhood the Tulsa Trails workers were out clearing the trails, pushing the ice and snow off to the side. They were also clearing the damage to a pole and tree in the middle of a trail from a car that decided it looked like a good place to park this morning.


IMG_9993I wish I were on a ski slope somewhere. Seven weeks left of rotations, maybe I can get a ski trip in at the end of rotations? Maybe, maybe not. One can only wish. Six more weeks of winter, according to that groundhog.


I love to run. I love to run with my people, by myself, and with new people. Running can be my time to get in the zone, push myself, and really make myself feel like I am getting a great workout. It can also be a great social hour. I have made some of the best friends in my life while spending time running down the trail.  Running is just kind of what I do. It is really nice having a running trail 2 blocks away from my front door. Recently I also decided to join a gym. Because unfortunately I have to do some strength training and build up some strength that will hopefully give me some more endurance.

Deciding and committing to a race. I had decided to commit to a full marathon this spring and took some convincing to get my dear friends to commit to it. Maybe the checkbook hasn’t committed yet, but the hotel rooms have been reserved: April 27, 2014 Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon. That will be the race. Hopefully I can figure out a way to keep endurance training in my life during residency, so I am trying not to look at this race as the last long distance endurance event that I might have the chance to do in the next four years.

Choosing a training plan was next. I have used Hal Higdon training programs for my first half marathon, plus the other 9 half marathons that I have ran. I used it to become a runner and I used it to increase my speed and I used it just to be able to maintain a pace. They are great programs. I used the Novice Full Marathon App to train for my first full marathon in San Francisco last year. It served me well. The race went well, especially considering that it was in San Francisco and I trained on whatever hills I could manage to find in Tulsa, Oklahoma. The update to the Nike + running app came just in time for me to decide to use its coaching tool for this marathon.  Week 1 or 16 is almost complete.  Managing cold weather running, wind, and knowing how much running on a treadmill my outdoor running soul can take is now what I must figure out. For the next 16 weeks I will run at least 607 miles. When I put that in writing it looks like a ton of miles to put on my body, my knees, and my new running shoes.

Long run this weekend is only 8 miles. My legs are appreciating the cross training I did today. REST will come on Sunday.

Running (its what I do)

Running.  Lots of people run and everybody seems to run for different reasons.  This past year I accomplished one of my “bucket list” goals.  I ran my first full marathon. 26.2 miles is quite a bit, but it was one of the greatest experiences of my life. I didn’t realize how much more of a time commitment training for a full marathon was versus training for a half marathon. Right now all I have time to train for is another half marathon.

In the past 4 months my cousin and my sister have started running fun runs, 5k runs, and working out. Not only are they doing this to lose weight, but to improve their lifestyle and health.  Here are the things to remember about running and exercise in general:

  • the risk of dying decreases in those who exercise regularly 
  • essential component to any weight management program, it burns calories and may help burn calories even while not exercising. Diets can lead to muscle loss, but exercise can help build muscle mass
  • helps improve blood sugar control in people with diabetes and can help prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes
  • helps decrease blood pressure
  • helps improve your lipid profile by decreasing triglycerides and raising HDL levels
  • reduction in stress after exercise
  • helps to prevent osteoporosis and the incidence of fracture
  • exercise can also help quit smoking

I am excited that my cousin and sister have decided to train to run their first half marathon in April.  The Big D Marathon (http://www.texasmarathon.com/) will be such a great run with not only my mom, but my cousin and sister to cross the finish line. To begin the new year my Nike plus app says that I have run 288.9 miles in the past 4 months (I didn’t make my goal of 300 miles by 1 /1/13, but plan to by the end of the week). I look at my training program I have chose: Hal Higdon’s Intermediate Half Marathon Program http://www.halhigdon.com/training/51132/Half-Marathon-Intermediate-Training-Program) and I should run 298 miles in the 12 week training program.  Since the marathon is actually 16 weeks away I think I will definitely break 600 miles on my running app.  I love tracking my miles, it is personally rewarding.

Bobbi and I are going to keep each other accountable for every mile. Blogging about training, clinical rotations, and life will hopefully also keep me accountable for everything.

This was good

I needed this tonight. It was a little warm, but it made me feel like I was definitely getting my workout in for today. Managing rotations and marathon training might be a little difficult, but manageable. I just have to stay motivated.
Running is kind of what I do.
Relief of stress, workout, and I live how I feel afterwards.

real life again

Things to do with the rest of my  2012: 

  • training for my first full marathon, yes that is 26.2 miles 
  • Insanity, getting toned at the same time I am taking care of my cardiovascular health 
  • Need to find that skinny, fit person that started medical school 2 years ago
  • starting clinical rotations in my third year of medical school 
  • enjoying spending time with my husband 
  • living in different parts of Oklahoma that I may have just driven through or did not even know existed 
  • hopefully getting to have some weekends off to enjoy REAL life 
  • getting LASIK eye surgery (NO more glasses or contacts for this girl) 
  • maybe cleaning a little more around my house 
  • trying to learn to be a better cook 
  • Making sure that I get my daily vitamin D
  • maybe cleaning my car 
  • visiting some beaches 
  • Season 5 of BREAKING BAD, guess I need to watch season 4 
  • Golfing, definitely golfing more (and possibly buying my own set of golf clubs)

I am sure this list could go on and on forever with things that I plan on doing this year, in particularly this summer. 

commitment to staying healthy

The first year of medical school was overwhelming and of course it came with a nice weight gain and a lack of endurance. Well my lovely friend Brooke ( Life Love and Med School.), is a runner just like me and we decided to make the commitment to run the Route 66 Half Marathon  on November 20. We are two weeks into our training. I love running and my body is starting to figure out that it has to get up at 6 am in order for me to get my morning run in and get ready for class by 8 am. The accountability of knowing that Brooke is going to be at the school at 630 am every morning makes me get my butt out of bed, to not only disappoint her, but to be a good running and workout partner.

Here is our training program. Half Marathon Training: Intermediate.

Running feels great and my body has missed the sweat, missed the sore muscles, and missed my jeans being loose!