Tag Archives: uncomprehensive

well it all boils down to this

In less than 12 hours I will officially be done with all of my first year medical school lectures. There are 3 days until the first day of finals. Then the week and half of finals will begin on Monday morning. A semester of hard work. I didn’t know how this semester was going to pan out. There have been so many more long nights of studying and learning, pots of coffee, many short breaks for dinner and a hello to the husband, numerous hours spent in my study carrel, my office, and in lecture. Thank goodness I do not smell like the anatomy lab everyday of the week this semester. This semester something finally clicked.

In 12 short hours OMS-I class is over. The weekend before finals has begun, the final countdown of the first year of medical school. How did I get here? How did these past 10 months go by so fast. First year its been real, you have been an eye opener, being a doctor is going to be well worth it.

Hours of parasites, mycology, endocrinology, neuroanatomy, clinical skill, OMM, clinical epidemiology, labs, and then May 17th I will be able to get an entire night of sleep. Less than 2 weeks left of first year! Here goes!